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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  October 15, 2012 4:25am-5:00am EDT

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at le havec t late stuff game here. and here is rg iii. going to run for the first down. rg iii is going to outrace everybody. >> all right. rg iii and the redskins run to victory. a 38-26 win over the minneapolis vikings. >> wasn't that a good run? >> it was excellent. >> good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. the only thing better is to listen to tucker barnes talk about the weather. >> a lot of pressure there.
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that was a nice run. all right. let's get to the ht radar. we've got clouds moving in and eventually a chance for some rain showers. the line doesn't look very impressive. i don't think it will rain for most of the day but we will have the risk of some showers later this afternoon as the cold front approaches. much of your morning commute you had be dry. some changes with our air mass as we are looking forward to some cooler air arriving for the day tomorrow. y tomorrow. back to you. our top story, rescue efforts still under way in montana for two missing hikers from our area.
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they were reported missing on friday when they didn't return home from montana. rescuers are searching glacier national park where the men's car was found. on the campaign trail, both president obama and mitt romney are preparing for tomorrow's debate. the president took a break yesterday to deliver some pizza to his virginia campaign staff. romney spent yesterday doing debate preps and attending church. this morning, he campaigns in wisconsin and then he is off to cincinnati for a rally at noon. the redskins had a win over the minnesota vikings 38-26. >> robert griffin iii had a 76- yard touchdown run. >> it was a promise he made to his teammates just last week.
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he threw for 182 yards and one touchdown. one of the scores has everybody talking. >> i'm likethiss for a second. i watched him from the back. i was like take that. >> he's zoned. they're not catching him. >> it was all blur. the tight end coach said he felt me run by him because of the gust of wind. i guess i was that fast. >> rg iii is going to run for the first down and still on his feet, rg iii is going to outrace everybody. >> i could see guys telling me i got the first so they're saying inbound slide. i was kind of running like i think i can get a little more. then it all went from stop, stay inbound to go, go for the touchdown. it was interesting to see the different reactions. >> emotional roll are coaster. i was screaming get out of
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bound, get out of bounds and he turned it up. and i was ecstatic from there. from the quarterback position, you don't see that too often. he'll make history in this league. >> slide, slide, slide and you seen he had the angle to outrun everybody. everybody kept saying keep going, keep going. he is so dynamic. so many things you got to worry about. he is just amazing. >> a couple of guys, rex in particular, came to me and said hey, you can stop smiling by wednesday. i was just all smiles. it was a special feeling. i'll watch that. i got to prove to those guys that i still have the track speed that they've been talking about. >> reporter: with robert griffin iii leading the way. redskins snap their eight-game
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home losing skid. they had their first game. >> we still have plenty ahead. your weather, traffic and all your top stories. >> fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts now. good morning on this monday, october 15th. hard to believe we're halfway through the month of october. a great start to your day. temperatures feeling pretty nice out there this morning. >> i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. not bad at all temperature- wise. is it because the redskins won? maybe it is rg iii's doing that has the weather all good. >> fun to watch. >> even though there were still two minutes, something could happen. >> both team were scoring every time they touched the ball there in the last quarter. we've got clouds moving in. we have a few showers in the forecast. i think most of your morning commute will be fine.
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we'll see some showers get their act together here by late morning. might be a shower or two well north of washington up towards baltimore. our line of showers with our cold front is out to the west out into west virginia and it will become somewhat enhanced when it arrives a little later today. i think the timing on it will be late morning, early afternoon when we see most of the showers. there could be a thunderstorm too as we still have some pretty warm air in place. here are your current temperatures. reagan national, it is currently 66 degrees, 67 at bwi marshall and dulles, forecast high temperatures in the low 70s, maybe 72 for a daytime high. lots of clouds around way for you showers. not going tobacco washout today but bring an umbrella if you are going to be outdoors for any period of time. >> so the temperatures we are feeling right now are pretty much going to be it for the rest of the day. >> yeah, we'll get a little warmer but we're pretty much there. >> time to check in with julie
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wright to see how our morning commute is going. >> first of all, who turned on the heat? >> tucker barnes did it. >> it is like one day you could hang meat in here and the next day you could cook a chicken. you never really know what is happening. a little bit road spray coming south on 270. my wipers were doing a little workout between gaithersburg and rockville and then not a drop at all. no problems to report continuing out of the dale city up toward the capital play. 395 looks good leaving the 14th street bridge. the trip inbound along 270, headed out to about falls road, wipes are were working. once that came south of road headed out towards the beltway, not a raindrop in sight. right now, the beltway is open between college park and bethesda with no incidents to report. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. >> thank you. making headlines this morning, the search continues
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for two men from our area missing in a national park in montana. rescuers are searching for 32- year-old neil peckins of virginia and another man. the search has been slowed by snow and rain. no one knows how well prepared they were for the weather or the terrain. today, the trial begins for two police officers accused of assaulting a university of maryland student. they are accused ever assaulting john mckenna as students celebrate the basketball team's win over duke. also from college park, police have arrested a suspect in connection to the robberies
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of university of marveled students. police say they found several items stolen from the students in his home. -- of university of maryland students. firefighters bat i'll blaze at a self-storage facility in manassas. it took several hours to put out the fire at the store-all facility in the 7900 block of sudley road. it is believed more than six storable units burned although it is up color how the fire started. a big deadline in our area. if you want to cast the ballot in the upcoming november 6 election, today is the deadline for people in virginia to register to vote. voter registration applications must be postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m. maryland residents have until tomorrow and district residents have until the 19th to register to vote. we are one day from the second debate between president obama
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and gore romney. as fox's ed henry reports, they are gearing up for tomorrow night's showdown. >> hello, everybody. i brought some food. >> reporter: taking a break from debate prep, the president decided to deliver some pizza to his virginia campaign staff. mr.obama spending a few minutes shaking hands, taking calls and trying to fire up the base. >> i know you have been working so hard for the campaign andy wanted to say how much i appreciate it. >> reporter: just two debates between the incumbent and his challenger mitt romney remain. a top advisor to romney who spent his sunday at church and doing debate prep of his own, says this is anybody's race. >> i think the race is very close. the wind is at governor romney's back. you can see it in the data. but the country is pretty evenly divide you had. >> reporter: the president is trying to improve on his first debate performance. >> will be aggressive in making the case of his view of where
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we should go as a country and a country built around this growing, thriving middle class. >> reporter: but the man playing the president in the romney debate prep sessions says the obama camp has it all wrong. >> they've spent hundreds of millions of dollars around the country mischaracterizing governor romney's positions and misrepresenting him. i think you will see that again at the debate on tuesday night. >> reporter: introduce's second debate is a town hall format, a chance to influence actual voters. -- tuesday's second debate is town a town hall format, a chance to influence actual voters.
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senator arlen specter died as a result of nonhodgkin's lymphoma. he ran as a democrat for the sixth term in the senate. he was very influential for both sides, particularly in confirming supreme court nominees. well, he did it again. another great performance for redskins rookie quarterback, robert griffin iii. he threw for 182 yards and one touchdown against the vikings. he also did it on the ground running for 13 # yards and two touchdowns. the highlight what. -- for 138 yards and two touchdowns. this is the longest running touchdown by a quarterback in 16 years. a plunge to earth surpassing 800 miles per hour. can you believe this. up next, the daredevil leap from space straight into the record books. >> we are checking more headlines coming up next. 
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appear unimaginable daredevil jump is now in the record books. an agent leapt managed for fall to earth from 24 miles up and land safely in new mexico. we have a report -- an athlete managed to fall to earth from 4 miles up and land safely in new mexico. >> 24 miles up into the stratosphere, it too about two and a half hours. but his descent lasted for just over nine minutes, about half of it in free fall. anticipating had been building around the world. just before jumping, wearing a next generation full pressurized suit, baumgartner expressed concern that his astronaut-like helmet was fogging up and not heating properly. about 2:00 sunday, the 43-year- old took a leave from a tiny
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shelf outside the capsule that was carried up by an enormous ultrathin balloon. the extreme athlete broke several records, highest free fall, fastest free fall and highest manned balloon flight. he also met his goal of breaking the speed of sound he reached a maximum speed of 834 miles per hour. crowds watched below on monitors and cheered as the parachute opened. best known for leaping off skyscrapers, his mother, father and girlfriend showed signs of relief. research from this project could help with future space exploration travel offering ways for astronauts to safely escape should problems arise while in space. in new york, anna coiman, for example news j that makes a regular sky dive look like nothing. >> 10 minutes of falling.
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he landed on his feet. >> just like any other sky dive. pretty amazing. the final journey for the space shuttle endeavour. >> up next, the brief trip to its final destination but it took a little bit longer than expected. we'll explain coming up next. first, we'll talk to tucker barnes. wisdom, we have cloud moving in and the possibility of some rain showers later today. bring along an umbrella just in case. i'll have all the details on your weather. julie wright has a look at your traffic too coming up after the break. [ mitt romney ] look at the evidence of the last four years.
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under the president's policies, middle income americans have been buried. they're just being crushed. middle-income americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. this is a tax in and of itself. i'll call it the economy tax. i'm not going to raise taxes on anyone. my plan is to bring down rates to get more people working. my priority is putting people back to work in america. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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welcome back to fox 5 morning news. live look outside at the washington monument. we'll have tucker barnes in just a second to talk about our weather for the start of the week. first, out in california, it took a lot longer than expected but the space shuttle endeavour arrived at its final home jed. it moved slowly during the 12- mile trip through los angeles and it ended up it took 17 hours longer than planned. but thousands of californians still lined the route, thrilled at the chance to see history in the making. i see there are trees and all kinds of things on the side offed road. they were talking about this that they had to trim some of the trees to get the shut toll come through. i read it was supposed to take a certain amount of miles per hour for it to get there. it was even less than that. it was like one mile per hour.
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>> at points, they were like five inchs from some buildings. >> that is typical of l.a. traffic. >> right. >> that is a good point. >> it was just the interstate traffic. >> really long red light there. >> and let's do a weather forecast for you. and gorgeous day yesterday. >> we had windows open. we had temperatures in the mid- 70s. 76 the official high yesterday at reagan national. 74 at bull des and bwi marshall. it won't be quite as warm today but it still feels pretty good out there this morning. low 70s today as we get some changes in the form of a cold front which will be marching through the area a little
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later. 66 in baltimore. 63 out in hagerstown. fredericksburg, 59 degrees for you. right now, we are quiet inside the beltway. not looking at any rain showers but the clouds have roll in during the overnight hours. we have an increasing chance for some showers around here today with the cold front. there is your cold front. doesn't have a lot of oomph to it. as far as rainfall, there is not a lot associated with t i think we got a pretty good risk of at least some scattered showers around here by midday. if you are watching south and east of the city, particularly across southern maryland, could be a thunderstorm as well. we run that risk. but the good news is we'll get the front east of us pretty quickly and by tomorrow, right back in the sunshine and that nice fall air. 72 today. winds will be out of the south. most hi cloudy skies. scattered showers. not going to be a lot of rain but pretty good chance most of us will see aling something. cooler tonight. 53, cheering overnight. the cool air will start to move in. there is your accu-weather
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seven-day forecast. cooler tomorrow but beautiful. highs in the mid- to upper 60s. wednesday looks great. this forecast looks great. maybe some rain again by friday but we'll worry about that then. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, looks fantastic. that is a look at weather. let's do some traffic and get the late from julie wright who is still nursing her wounds after the cowboys lost yet again yesterday. >> you know, it wasn't a good sports weekend for me. the nats, the os, the cowboys. i did make it out to butler's orchard and i found my pumpkin. good news there, tucker. on the roads, light traffic volume on long northbound i-95. 234 lamont drive still blocked off in each direction between godwin and lamont due to a structure fire which occurred last night in the 11:00 hour. an investigation is under way
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at this time. overnight construction cleared in tyson's. you will find yourself at speed if you are continuing southbound on 270 coming in from 109. a light sprinkle if you will coming in from gaithersburg. by time you hit rockville, nice and clear headed out towards the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. yesterday wrapped i'm three- day walk for the cure for the susan g. komen foundation. it started on friday and walkers raised nearly $4 million for breast cancer research and education program. >> for two walkers from new jersey, the walk got off to a rocky start after being target by thieves. lauren demarco explained. >> reporter: 1600 walkers descend on d.c. for the susan g. komen three day for the cure. they have a big support system including the beloved tutu brothers. >> close to home. all right. looking good. >> ken and christian caulker travel to busy intersections
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along the route helping to stop traffic and providing much appreciated moral support. >> watch your step. >> we need them. >> the best part of this. yes. >> the caulkers rely on bicycles to navigate the route. but when they arrived at opening ceremonies friday morning, they got out of the car and realized their bikes had been stolen. >> we went to reach up and the bikes are gone. i guess we just thought we saw them and just went on. so it was a shock. >> someone grabbed the bikes right off the roof the car while it was packed overnight at the holiday inn express in hyattsville. the hoe till says security cameras caught the thieves in the act and it has been handed over to the police. christian caulker post about the theft on his facebook page. he received an outpouring of support and the three-day community sprung into action. >> all of a sudden, my cell
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phone started ringing. notifications started happening. >> reporter: several people reached out to bike shops in the yard and within a matter of hours, the due due brothers were back on two wheels. >> it was amazing. it really was amazing. >> it solid identifies what kind after community the three day community is. >> reporter: neil conway, observer of the district hardware and bike shop in northwest stepped up to help as soon as he heard the news. >> unfortunate for those guys but at the same time, it would have been worse if they didn't have any bikes to use for the activity that they're involved in. glad to do it. glad to support the cause. >> reporter: it is a cause close to the heart for ken and craftian. they lost their mother julia to breast cancer in 2010. as far as losing their bikes, they are brushing it off saying there is too much love and support involved to even think about it. >> we've got more important
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things to worry about and that is our walkers. >> bikes are replaceable. breast cancer, not so much for the families that have lost people, that is why we're here. >> in washington, lauren demarco, fox 5 news. >> very good reminder too. bikes are replaceable. people are not. >> very much so. the battle of the hybrids. the toyota prius is one of the most popular and best selling hybrids on the market. >> it is about to get some competition. we are checking consumer news coming up next.
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society call it the battle of the automakers. ford is taking on the toyota prius with the new 2013 hybrid. >> it boasts some impressive gas mileage too. >> this is what a gauntlet would like like if it was a
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hybrid car. the c-max hieb i had rid is the automaker's first attempt to go head to head with the firefighter prius in the high mileage game. the c-max comes to the fight packing an epa rated 47 miles per gatt long city, highway and combined. >> 48 miles per gallon across the board. that is a big jump into fuel economy for ford. it was their one development that made it possible. >> it is about that entire development of the system. it is not any one individual execution. it is really about doing this as an efficient system and both the power train system for that engine, transmission and battery but also for the car itself. so it is paying attention to the details on aerodynamics. paying attention to what we call parasitic abouts how energy can be lost to heat and noise that otherwise we want to have go into propelling the car efficiently. >> the c-max offereds a five-
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door five passenger package that is richly appointed, delivers a refined experience. ford priced and sized the $26,000 crossover between the standard 50-mile her gallon prius an its larger offshoot, the 42-mile per gallon prius v. >> the prius has been great identify long time, continues tonight market leader but we believe we've got a better mousetrap in a lot of ways. by tying the vehicle together, people start considering it and give us a chance. >> the biggest herd the may not be the prius at all t might be sitting right next to it in show rooms in the form of this, the if you ford fusion hybrid that also gets 47 miles per gatt long across the board. even in the automotive industry, there is nothing better than a good sibling rivalry. the dallas cowboys on the wrong end of an nfl record. that is coming up next. >> plus, playoff baseball seen
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here on fox 5. playoffs? somebody say playoffs? playoffs. i like saying that. sports breakfast is coming up next. i'm going to say it the rest of the show. playoffs? e that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates
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appeal award two years in a row. ♪
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in sports, the game between the ravens and the cowboys. baltimore had an 11-point lead in the third quarter. dallas would rally late and score a touchdown in the final minute but they missed a two- point conversion that would have tied it. then, minutes later, dan bailey, with a 51-yard field goal attempt that would have won the game. instead, ravens win 31-29. >> the cardinals beat the giants in game one of the national league championship series 6-4. carlos beltran


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